Friday, May 29, 2015

Is Azure Paradise an impossible dream?

It takes a certain amount of patience to deal with people, circumstance and events that I naturally do not have. I easily get irritated and annoyed with a lot of things that contribute to my stress. It is something I'm constantly trying to address these days since people always remind me to keep away from stress! On one side, there are things I release (or explode is more like it) right away because I realized it's better to let it all out rather than carry it as a burdening grudge over my shoulder. This could very well apply to family, a friend or someone who I feel has done me wrong. I will either instantly scream, argue or ignore this person just so the message is clear: I AM MAD AT YOU. Oftentimes this goes to pass right away but on instances that it doesn't and I am obligated to make amends, I will wait for the perfect time to talk to this person, with a sort of editted version of what I wanna say just to ease the blow. Left raw, my words cut like a knife and hurt like hell, as some people have told me. So yeah, my silence truly is golden, treasure it and the amount of self control I put into it for your own good. That said, I admire Mark for being so diplomatic all the time. Hopefully, I can acquire that trait from him through time. One conversation with Raeann got me thinking. She said she's like diesel, it takes some time before a conversation or event gets to her.  There are times when she'd get furious a day or two after because she realized she should've said this or that.  I'm somehow the same but it's okay. There are matters that could've gotten worst if I didn't bite my tongue.  It is truly wise to choose my battles and be polite rather than carrying a mouth filled with verbal diarrhea. So excuse me if that day comes that I do lash out at you. It only means that you probably consumed all my patience! Strike three!

Some of this comes from a meeting I had with fellow Azure unit owners and the others came from, well, others.  I am thankful for those that see our efforts to help Azure become a peaceful and happy community. I am thankful for those who understand that we are not employees, nor are we getting paid for these efforts. We are neither pro PMO, pro STL, nor anti STL, etc. We are just here to facilitate. Because, in a nutshell, this really just started out as me being outraged with how unfair the PMO has been, together with the poor security and concierge. As of now, everyone thinks we are pro-STL ONLY. So here comes everyone else trying to sabotage our efforts, screaming at the top of their lungs, being rude, complaining that we're not doing our jobs?? What?!??? Well excuse me, it is EVERYONE's business to make an effort with us to make OUR COMMUNITY pleasant. Creating further turmoil doesn't help our cause nor does it help solve issues. Now that we are aware of the problems, can we please move forward and come up with helpful solutions? Is it really impossible? 

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