Thursday, November 6, 2014

Laughter…the second best medicine

Laughter is the second best medicine…next to chemo of course! :)  I think being happy is different from having fun and laughter, though the latter contributes to happiness.  I can't say much if chemo did affect my temper coz I've been quick-tempered and irritable ever since, haha.  During this time, there was a conscious effort to stay positive everyday.  When all 3 oncologists said how important being positive, stress-free, and happy was,  I listened.  I took that to heart.  Since I was stripped off things I had to do, I was able to focus on being calm and happy.  

Having someone with me almost everyday helped a lot.  I had someone to talk to, assurance that everything's fine, and that if I suddenly feel something, I can easily go to the hospital.  If no one was around, I went to Facebook to chat with friends, or have long talks on the phone.  

On most days, I'd go out.  Oh yessss, shopping!  Those days, I wasn't wandering aimlessly through the mall like before.  I had a quest for the most unique scarves, hats, shades and earrings.  And what's more important, I discovered the church on top of Landmark so I was able to go to mass before malling!  

On days that I couldn't sleep and be wide awake by 4:00 am, I'd wait for 5:00 am, wake up Mark, then walk around our loop.  Sometimes, we'd walk the dogs then go to mama's house, have breakfast there, and hang out a bit.  

When the kinect came, I'd dance or do sports when I was up for  it.  Friends were welcome to drop by our house anytime,,,and they still are ;)  Impromptu drives used to be an adventure for me…they still are, but during those days, they became more of a mood booster whenever I was feeling down and couldn't seem to snap out of it.  

Since my design skills were next to nonexistent at that time, I took what was left of my creativity to cooking and baking.  Being in the kitchen is instant gratification because within an hour or so, I get to plan, execute, and see the end product!  To me, this was the only time I felt productive.

Having a clean, organized, and beautiful atmosphere calms me.  From fresh flowers, to new sheets or even just an aired out room made my day.  It was more of enjoying things that were always there that I never used to appreciate as much.  Instead of getting bored, I focused on being grateful for what I had…TIME.  "Me" time, time with family, qt with Mark, time to exercise, time to catch up with friends, etc.  It was a time for relationships, with myself and with others.  It was definitely not a time for productivity.  When I recently got the Wego...when I started this the book from Goldy...I thought to myself:  I should've done these things when I was on chemo and had NOTHING to do!  NOT!  I was on chemo brain and I wouldn't have functioned as well.  I would have pressured myself to be creative, come up with words to say, or meet personal deadlines.  I would've beaten myself up and felt stupid if I didn't do good.  I could've felt bad and more depressed than ever!  So I guess, everything does come at the right time.  And now that chemo is over, I have time to live my life :)

So, to recap, bottom line is, be happy no matter what other people or you say to yourself.  Do what feels good! :)                   

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