I've been thinking of what to write the past few days and couldn't come to a final decision…As much as I'd like to post something new every day, days have passed and I still haven't even opened this window. It's not due to lack of ideas but I've been preoccupied with several things lately. Things that (in my head) need to be done ASAP. Just before opening my laptop, I was reading a book: The Happiness Project. I started reading it last week and still haven't finished till now. Am I such a slow reader? Or am I showing signs of A.D.D.??? It's just that I'm enjoying being mentally active (and fast) again. It's like my thoughts going at 140kph, when it used to run at 20kph on chemo and I just can't wait to implement everything coz I feel like I squandered so much time.
The past few days have been a blur. There is always something to do…And in my head, it has to be done/finished asap, or else it will linger in my head, nagging me, till I can't sleep or feel so unsettled. I wanted to finish the book earlier but writing here was in the back of my head and I couldn't seem to focus on what I was reading. I was being counter-productive so I put it down and got the laptop instead. I have never been a big fan of reading books. But when I do like a book after the first 10 pages, I will definitely finish it and most probably grab the author's other books. The Happiness Project has got me reeled in so much that I can't wait to finish it so I can make my own. As usual, I can't wait to start, so even if I'm only 70% done with the book, I've already begun applying and doing some of the ideas that appealed or relevant to me. It just feels like the book came at a perfect time because most of the ideas there, I've already started or been contemplating on doing.
I love shopping…Ok fine, I'm a shopaholic! I was better off being single because I was shopping only for myself. Now, I have more reasons to shop…for my son, Mark, our home, the dogs, etc. There was always something to buy, something we needed, might need, or just wanted coz it was pretty. I believe we have enough storage space in our home. So when these cabinets started getting overstuffed that it won't close properly anymore, that's when I decided it was time for a makeover. I hated the clutter in front of me and in my head. During chemo, the only space I kept organized was our kitchen. And I was only inspired to fix it coz I had a new cabinet made. This time around, there's no more space for more cabinets elsewhere, so I need to get inspiration from nowhere else but ME.
First things first, that clutter in my head began when I stopped writing things down…grocery list, to do list, events in my planner, sketches, accounting expenses, etc. So now, I've started writing down these things again. Next was the "I have lots of time" frame of mind that made me procrastinate a lot…"I'm basically free the whole week, so I'll do it tomorrow." Yeah right, I never did. I lost goals when I lost my hair. I think I overused the stress-free rule when I was, in fact, already being lazy…and depressed! On top of that, I'm getting stressed with all the clutter, so, it's really time to MOVE and do something about it! As with my other resolutions in the past, I don't wait for new year, my birthday, Monday, etc. When I make a resolution, I'd like to start right away. There's no use putting off what can be done today. I suddenly find myself with a LOT on my plate!
Last week I decided to start spring cleaning and was thinking of where to start. I picked Xavi's room coz I thought it had the least clutter and smallest area. I already told Xavi of my plans and asked for his help on Saturday. He needed to be there for the task of selecting which items to keep, donate, or throw away. Saturday came, we had to go to his school for his grad pictorial, attend a meeting with a client, and a birthday party. I wasn't going to make this an excuse not to push through with our cleaning date. So, pictorial at 7:30-9:00 am, meeting at 10:00-12:00 nn, shopping 12:00-2:00 pm, cleaning 3:00-7:00 pm, birthday party 9:00-2:00 am. It was indeed a full day. My friend remarked on how it was my first time to be late and I apologized, having been carried away with the cleaning. That day, we only finished his closet and left the room looking like a disaster area. But we both felt good because his closet felt new. It was clean, organized, and had extra space! We got in so late that
I thought we weren't gonna have time to finish it in time for the 3:30 pm party we were attending on Sunday. I wanted to finish his room on Sunday coz he already has school the following day. We all woke up late that day, around 10:00 am. Had quick breakfast and started working on Xavi's room again. We were done by 2:30pm! :) Just enough time to take a bath and rush to the party! We were both very happy with the outcome. We sorted through, clothes, toys, school supplies, and shoes. Going through this cleanup gave me an idea of what we needed to shop for and more insight on Xavi's personality. He had sooooo many toys. There was a new robot still in the box that he put in the donate bag, while he kept this cheap plastic toy soldier. He kept gift cards and money envelopes while he was willing to give away a lot of decent toys. He has a stuffed toy collection, mostly from our trips and prizes from timezone. I realized my son is a lot like me. He likes to hold on to memorabilia and value things because of the experience and wonderful memories he has attached to them. "This is dad's old car…That we got from ocean park…Sheldon Cooper has the same robot…I won this at Timezone…'' were just some of the things he said. I gave in to his request of keeping these things even if most of them were broken and had no purpose. But the oh so tired, loose gartered, and torn boxers, just had to go! Shoes that didn't fit and old rag like shirts were also out of his closet. I kept buying him new shirts but now realize he has a lot of those. He needs boxers, denim pants, undershirts, and new uniforms. We even found all the cables for his gadgets, caps, and a lot of school supplies. Now, everything is organized and within reach.
It was a pretty good weekend. There was plenty of time to clean, go out, work, and spend time with family and friends. It also felt good to set a goal and finish it. Again, I realize I couldn't have done this during chemo because there was so much dust in Xavi's room! At the end of each cleaning session, my hands were black and I was already feeling itchy and sneezing! I am reminded not to feel guilty or bad that I ''wasted'' time being idle. Instead, be thankful of the time I had on my hands so I can focus on good health. If I'd pushed myself more, my treatments would've been delayed more due to colds, or even worse, pneumonia! Patience has truly paid off. Chemo done, good health back, moving forward! ;)
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